Last month we finally had the opportunity to go to Norway for the first time and to climb in Flatanger. There is a huge cave of finest granite which is surrounded by beautiful nature. In addition to the hard routes that we wanted to climb in Flatanger, we also had the opportunity to get to know new friends which graded up our two weeks even more. With an international crew on site, the nature and first class routes in the cave this climbing trip turned out for both of us to be one of the best we ever had.
The journey which we first estimated a bit complicated proved to be easier than we thought. From Germany we took the plane to Trondheim and from there we went by train, bus and taxi-bus which could be organized simply and reliably. The family „Strøm“, who is the landowner of the “Hanshallaren Cave” and manages the camping site, received us very friendly. We also got welcomed by our Swedish friend Erik Grandelius („Lord Chamberlain“;-) ) with music. The music then accompanied us for the following two weeks which always caused good vibes.
It was new for us that in Flatanger it doesn´t get dark at this season of the year. But that wasn´t a problem. You just go to bed and wake up whenever you want because well it doesn´t get dark
The first week we used to get familiar with the climbing and the rock. The cave in Flatanger is gigantic and we both quickly agreed that it´s one of the best granite climbing on which we climbed until now. There are routes in all difficulties and every inclination. The more difficult routes in the steeper part of the cave are powerful and require a lot of endurance. Partially there is withal crack climbing too.
The first day we tried the very technical route called „Massih Attack“. It´s a must-do 8b in the more vertical part of the cave. After Ruben checked it out once, David was able to flash it right away. Ruben also redpointed it shortly after on his 3rd try. The next days we tried „Muy Verde“ (8c, bolted by Dani Andrada, FA by Erik Grandelius) which we both were able to send within two days. Furthermore David could redpoint „Odin´s Eye“ (8c+). Ruben was also really close to sent it. Unfortunately he got a nasty flapper on his finger when he slipped out of the crux so that he had to stop trying it. In the meantime David was able to crush once more and sent two more 8c´s („Nordic Plumber“ and The Valkyrie“). Ruben wasn´t that lucky. After he had to finish on „Odin´s Eye“ he went on trying a new Link up (8c) of Dvergtrollet (8a+) to the second part of „Nordic Plumber/Thor´s Hammer“. Already on his first attempt he managed to climb up the 50 meters overhanging route until two moves before the anchor. On his second try which was also the last possible try on the last day of our trip he suddenly slipped off right before the anchor. That was kind of pity but a reason more to return some day.
The two weeks trip to Norway obviously went down faster than we would have liked it. The people, the culture, the fishing on the rest days and the mind-blowing nature with all its fjords and steep rocks was really fascinating. Last but not least the outstanding climbing in the cave was just fantastic. Thereby we have to mention that there is so much more potential for FAs in Norway and there are some other brilliant areas with hard climbs which we weren´t able to visit yet.
We surely will come back to Norway. Maybe next year we will be able to stay for a longer period of time and to visit all the other hard climbing spots.
Currently David is in the Rocklands (South Africa) for bouldering and Ruben in Switzerland, France, Sweden and Austria to train for the upcoming world cups and international youth competitions.
Thank you Henning Wang for the beautiful climbing pictures!
You can follow us on our activities and ventures on Instagram and Facebook .
Cheers David und Ruben